Saturday 31 May 2014

Goodbye Wellington, Hello New York

30 May - Goodbye Wellington, Hello New York

We are such seasoned travellers now, we take it all in our stride!  I'm not even going to complain about being a tad cramped on the plane!  Two good things, some lovely McLaren Vale Chardonnay with lunch on our way to Sydney,

and on the way to LA some sound advice from two fellow travellers who were returning to New York. She has a coffee shop called 'Kopi Kopi' in 68 West 3rd Street (how could anyone get lost when the streets are named like that?) and she suggested an outing to Woodbury where they have 'factory outlets' and good label clothes really reduced.  She was travelling with a friend and was going to take her there anyway, so she would pick me up, how amazing is that?  She reckoned the concierge would be able to organise something for us if she can't make it, so it's good to know.  I have also caught up on a couple of films, the first one was called the Railway Man, with Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman and the second one was called 'Tracks' the true story of Robyn Davidson's epic 1,700 mile track across the desert in Western Australia leading a group of 4 camels.  

LA Airport:

We are now on our flight to NY and I notice that the 'Game of Thrones" 3rd edition is available, so I am quite happy thanks. 

We made good time, LA to NY in 4.5hrs, but then had to wait 40 mins on the Tarmac for a gate to come clear, and another 40 mins to wait for the baggage to be delivered onto the carousel.  Almost as long as the flight!  Me exaggerate?  We found the bus for our transit to the hotel, and after our jolly but rather large black driver had squeezed 4 onto the back seat (I wondered how 4 his size would have fitted on) "I don't make the rules I just carry 'em out", we were off on the 4 lane highways into NYC.  Pretty ordinary stuff so far, but as we neared the city centre and through the tunnel to Manhattan the skyline was just as I had imagined, only brilliant with the sunset behind it, no photos unfortunately, too shaky on the bus and too far away.

Being dropped off outside our hotel

We checked in, the hotel is on a very grand scale, the guy on reception was good and we had a porter bring up our luggage  - free wifi thank goodness - and were delighted with the room, lovely super king bed, room to move around and good facilities.

It was after 8.00pm by this time and we felt like something to eat (there are only so many airline meals including baked beans I can take) so we went for a bit of a walk to get our bearings and check out local restaurants.  Didn't have to go far, just up the road was a very colourful place which advertised 'the best breakfasts in New York'.  

Pershing Cafe:

They also served up lunch and dinner.  So in we went, it was a bit like a saloon from a cowboy movie, lots of carved wooden tables on which was a small table lamp with red and gold striped lampshades, even the six hanging chandeliers had these lights, all very jolly.  We were shown to our table and just opposite us was a black family having a great time, best of all was the matriarch, dressed in a bright yellow dress and wearing a lovely lacy hat, she reminded me of one of the ladies in 'Help' the movie/book wearing her Sunday best.

Not a perfect photo as I had to be a bit sneaky about it, but it gives you an idea:

 We had a nice dinner, I had a lobster salad with a lovely dressing, and David had duck breast and mushroom risotto. 

 On our way back to the hotel we saw the Chrysler building and Grand Central Station, so we are in a great position to see everything here. 

 Well David has collapsed into bed already, we have both been up for 34 hours.  So I will sign off now.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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