Tuesday 10 June 2014

A few days rest in Tournafeuille

A few days rest in  Tournafeuille

Friday, we both slept in to about 11.00am, we had had a few wakeful hours during the night  but it was good to get the missed sleep over and done with.

We did boring things like washing, catching up on emails, blogs, photos, etc.  

Rachel introduced me once again to the benefits of having a 'Boulangerie' within walking distance, French pastries are to die for, until you have seen a whole display cabinet of these dainty, colourful, sweet pastries you don't know what a pastry is!

We also had a chance to be with Hannah, she is home schooled and we were able to fit a swim into her schedule. 

Penelope's rehearsal for the musical 'Frankie and me' was in the afternoon, all very exciting, meanwhile James and David took Jasper on a drive to soccer training for his team US Plaisance-du-Touch at Plaisance. 

So all of a sudden the day was gone and we were having dinner and catching up on the last 10 months since we last saw them.  

(Yes I am in the picture - check out the window behind!)

After some hilarious sketches that Jasper and Penelope acted out we were in bed again, it was a big family day tomorrow.

Saturday:  Penelope had another dress rehearsal, we picked up her friend 'Bella' and drove through some lovely country, to Pibrac, for the final dress rehearsal. 

 We dropped the girls off and then took Hannah for another drive which seemed to go on for miles and miles, one village after another - so totaly different from New York, such extremes, for her dance lesson, at Aussonne, no show, but lots of music and dance.

We had a bit of a late lunch and an early tea, Rachel had to leave at 5.30 to do make-up and hair for Penelope and Bella, their show started at 7.30pm.

I just love kids shows, they try so hard and some kids have it, and some don't.  Without any hint of bias I have to say Penelope is born to act.  She took the part of a girl who was a bit of a 'queen bee' and was soon to get her 'come-upance'!  

I was so proud of her, she lived and breathed the part, so many people came up to Rachel after to congratulate Penelope, she was so funny, one woman said that she laughed every time Penelope spoke because her accent was so strong...... accent?? I thought, she has no accent, but the majority of the audience were expat Brits, so I guess to them......

So a late night, but an early start tomorrow as we head off to San Sebastián.

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