Friday 27 June 2014

Samatan Market and floods

Monday 23 June

Woke up at 6.45 with the sound of thunder, lightning and heavy rain.  RAIN?  Well, the garden did need it.  But by 10.00am it was all over, the sun was out, Rachel had had her French lesson and we were a coffee away from hitting the road again. This time to check out the local market in Samatan.

Another lovely ride through the French countryside, the sunflowers are just a few days away from bursting out in all their glory (I am sure I will be taking a few more photos of sunflowers before we leave).  We arrive in Samatan and find a handy park.  

The first surprise is when Rachel takes us into the 'animal market' - not allowed to take photos here because of Animal Rights Activists, who apparently post gruesome pictures on Facebook and cause problems with the market functioning as a market.   Mmmmm... not surprised really, seeing half a dozen bantam hens squeezed into a small cage wasn't a good look, tiny chicks (looked like pheasant maybe?) jumping over each other - one with no feathers left on its back - but thats farming I guess, I know NZ farmers do much worse things with sows and their herds of cows.  There were some cute little puppies as well, and pretty coloured canaries.  (No, not for eating .... I think)

 Then out of the animal shed and into the sunshine, this market has stalls all over the village centre, up one street and down the other, selling all sorts of goods, knives and saucepans, table clothes and general manchester, 

jewellery, bras and panties (not sure where you try those on!), clothing and of course fruit and vegetables, meats, jams and chutneys 

and organic poultry (I wonder how the chickens felt about that?  Probably better than the geese who have been force fed to produce enlarged livers so that we can all enjoy Pate de Foie Gras?). Yes, I have had Foie Gras and I do think its delicious!  

So we bought our fruit and veges and decided to have some lunch, 

but it was very busy, so we went back to the car and Rachel drove us to the next town called L'Isle Jourdain where we had yet another Plat du Jour.  

It was so hot that we were glad to get home, I had worn Jeans and track shoes because of the rain that morning, so it was great to sit down in the shade in shorts and Jandals with a cup of tea. 

Hannah my little backseat companion

Shortly after, Hannah changed into her togs and I took her over to the pool, along with Jasper and his friend Alex.  Then the thunder started and Rachel came over to usher everyone out of the pool as it is not a safe place if lightning should strike!

Penelope went to Brownies, I started to make dinner and then the heavens opened.  I have seen pictures of hail the size of golf balls and the damage it can do to cars, well, these were not as big as golf balls but very nearly and within half an hour the garden was flooded, 

Alex's Mum called to pick him up, but the storm was too severe for her to get out.  Within another 10 mins the water was up to the back door, and another 10 mins the garage was flooded.  

There was no way Alex and his Mum could leave and drive safely.  So amazing now quickly it came up.  There was a lull for about 10 mins and they took advantage of that to get out.  

This is Jasper standing on the road outside the driveway

Rachel put her gumboots and anorak on and waded down to check that she could start the car ok, they were good, but the road was flooded and there was no way Penelope was going to be dropped off home any time soon.

Such dramas, poor Hannah was upset and worried, and Rachel moved the spare bed into her room so Jasper could keep her company tonight. Poor Penelope has not been able to get home and is having an unscheduled sleepover at her friends place, and is trying to be brave about that, and poor Rachel is having to cope with all this stress while James is in Paris attending a conference with the ATR 72 Managers from all over the world.  It always happens while your husband is away doesn't it?

Nothing to do with the flood so out of context, but of interest?

David tells me ATR 72 bodies are made in Italy, the wings are made in Bordeaux, the engines are made in the USA, it's assembled in Toulouse, painted in Hamburg and tested and handed over in Toulouse!  No wonder James travels a lot. 

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